martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Summary of Titanic

Titanic is not only the true story of the tragedy of one of the biggest ships ever made, it is a love story between a girl and a boy that came from very different backgrounds. It begins when Rose, a wealthy girl with a very strict mom, and Jack, a boy who makes a living as a street painter, got on board of the Titanic, a commercial ship that defies every standard known because of its great size and its extraordinary accommodations. It could be said that when they met it was love at first sight and they live an intense romance during the days that they share in the ship, however not everything was happiness because Rose´s mom disliked Jack and was totally against their relationship.

The story turns tragic when the captain of the ship decides to increase its speed to arrive to its destination even faster than planned, this had a negative effect in the capacity to maneuver the ship and when it comes close to an iceberg it is impossible to turn around and avoid it, as a result of the hit, the ship began to sink and all the people began a desperate run to save their life’s. Rose and Jack where not the exception, they had to fight many obstacles to finally get to the deck, but there was nothing that could stopped the ship from sinking.

Hundreds of passengers of the Titanic died because there weren’t enough rescue boats to save them all, Jack and Rose stayed together until the end but finally he decides to help her save her life even when that implies that he cannot save his. When the rescue boat of another ship came close to rescue Rose, Jack is already dead and she has to live the rest of her life only with the memory of the great love they had.

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