lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

A Problem Solution Essay

Shining Macromia Dragonfly

The article talk about the Shining Macromia Dragonfly, this is an animal in danger of extinction. This animal lives in Southwest France and the Iberian Peninsula. The author comment about the animal and he say that the species of the Shining Macromia Dragonfly is a little animal. The animal live in a long area of 653.000 km2

That are distribution in the 2 places when the animal live.

The article says different causes of the danger of extinction, in special is water pollution is the most important factor that affect the specie. Dragonfly species apparently disappears because the man prefer construct buildings that caring nature. In the last decade the animal decrease in a 30% and is expected to continue in the future.


- Construct buildings in the middle of natural areas inhabited by animals.

- Lack of interest by the people.

- Organize certain spaces for the animals.

- Inform people about animals which are endangered species

The principal problem is that the man prefers construct buildings in the middle of the natural area. In my opinion the solution for this problem is organize certain spaces for the animals, because is very important for de human that the animals and the nature surrounding cities.

Other problem is the lack of interest by the people, in this moment the person’s didn´t preoccupation for the endangered species. It´s necessary the government informs the people about the nature and promoting the campaign to save the animals.

All people should care for nature and awareness to have a healthy environment.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Opinion essay - Book Review

1984 - George Orwell.
I´m reading 1984, is a traditional book of George Orwell. This book talks about the history of one man that sees the world in the future. The book is written in 1942, when the author lives the Second World Warm. When the author wrote a book think in the future in the year 1984, this is reason for the title of the book. I´m my opinion the book reflects part of the reality that we are living.

George Orwell says in his book that the future situation is controlled by the power, and appears political leaders. This is true, for example, in this moment the people are governed for person and they give orders that you have to be fulfilled.

Then, the author talk about the society is overrun by technology, where you lose the freedom and privacy. I think that the technology is a way for humans to evolve and in necessary in the life of the person and at the moment everyone is free to make your intimate life or not.

Finally, I’m say that the book is a good novel and it’s have different elements that make the life that we are living today.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Summary of "Rosario Tijeras"

Rosario was raped by her stepfather when she was a girl, for that reason she hated him. In revenge for this, she cut his intimate parts with a scissors. Since that fact, Rosario began to pick up a grudge in her life and she was dedicated to satisfy the sexual needs of the Medellin’s assassins. With the pass of the time her soul was filling with resentment, to the point of killing the men which she already had sex.

One of the most difficult moments in her life was her brother's death. Illegal business killed him. To celebrate his death, Rosario takes the dead body to party and at the next day Rosario and her friends buried him. Because of her brother she is a sex worker, he offered her to his assassin’s partners.

However, among all this tragedy one day came a man who falls in love with her and began to appreciate her as a woman. Antonio was searching for her all the time and he was taking care of her, but Rosario did not pay much attention to him. In the evenings Rosario went to the most popular clubs in town in Medellin and her lovers later became as her victims. One day Antonio appeared again in her live and they met in one of the most popular nightclubs in the city, when they met they kissed each other and in that moment is when they shot Rosario, causing her death. Antonio in the midst of his anguish he took her to the hospital, where they tried to save her life but she died minutes later.

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Summary of Innocent Voices

Is a movie about the Civil War in Salvador. Chava is the principal character, he is a boy of 11 years that for different things of your house he convert in the boy of his house, because the dad was with another woman. Chava study at the school and the army of Salvador recruited the children’s of de 12 years, Chava was lucky because he doesn’t have the enough age.

When the army entered the village all the people decided to leave there, but Chava and his family stayed there. He played with all his friends and they saw the warm as a game. While passing the civil war Chave fell in love with a girl, but his love was not possible because she and her family were attacked by the army. Them, Chava going to play with his friends to the park, one day the army captured them and took them to the jungle, the mother of Chava stayed very confused and concerned about her son. In the jungle the army killed some friends of Chava and he saw them firing and were falling on the floor, these experience was very sad for the children.

After Chave return to his home and his mother could not believe that he was alive. Finally the family of Chava left to the Village. The mother went with the two brothers of Chava to another village. She talks with a gentleman in a truck to take Chava to another country where he was not in danger. The village is totally destroyed and the people went to others places.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Summary of Titanic

Titanic is not only the true story of the tragedy of one of the biggest ships ever made, it is a love story between a girl and a boy that came from very different backgrounds. It begins when Rose, a wealthy girl with a very strict mom, and Jack, a boy who makes a living as a street painter, got on board of the Titanic, a commercial ship that defies every standard known because of its great size and its extraordinary accommodations. It could be said that when they met it was love at first sight and they live an intense romance during the days that they share in the ship, however not everything was happiness because Rose´s mom disliked Jack and was totally against their relationship.

The story turns tragic when the captain of the ship decides to increase its speed to arrive to its destination even faster than planned, this had a negative effect in the capacity to maneuver the ship and when it comes close to an iceberg it is impossible to turn around and avoid it, as a result of the hit, the ship began to sink and all the people began a desperate run to save their life’s. Rose and Jack where not the exception, they had to fight many obstacles to finally get to the deck, but there was nothing that could stopped the ship from sinking.

Hundreds of passengers of the Titanic died because there weren’t enough rescue boats to save them all, Jack and Rose stayed together until the end but finally he decides to help her save her life even when that implies that he cannot save his. When the rescue boat of another ship came close to rescue Rose, Jack is already dead and she has to live the rest of her life only with the memory of the great love they had.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008


I am Laura and I studying Social Communication and Journalism at the Sabana University in 6 semesters. I live in Bogotá with my family, my parents and my two brothers. I like my career and I am very happy whit the subjects that I learn in the university.

In my free time I like going to parties and enjoy with my friends in clubs mainly and I like stay whit my family and different activities, for example, go to restaurants, malls, cine… I like so much hamburgers almost the fast food. I like eating in Mc Donalds and Corral.